Wednesday, April 11

Two New Projects FInished

Two new projects that I've completed and will post pictures for you to see today. I've been swamped with other responsibilities and had no time to sit long enough to write a posting for some time. I've also been a bit too busy to do a lot of crocheting which is why there are only two projects completed to show today.

The first is a wrap I made using the Havenly Wrap pattern found at Bernat's website. I have posted the tiny URL link for anyone interested in checking the pattern out. I used some WalMart NoBo yarn that I had purchased a while back. It's a lovely yarn that combines a soft twist and eyelash and a metallic all in one strand.

Normally I don't add fringe onto anything but this piece seemed to call for it. While adding the fringe I picked out another pattern and started it. Turns out I finished that pattern before I ever finished attaching all the fringe onto the wrap. Can you tell I don't like doing fringe? LOL

This next item is made using the Caprice capelet pattern found on the web page for N.Y. Yarns. Now, of course I didn't use the Caprice yarn called for in the pattern. Instead I used a peach yarn that I picked up at the thrift store some six months back. I loved the feel and look of this yarn and had no clue what I could use it for when I bought it, but when I saw the pattern for the capelet I thought of that yarn immediately. I think it turned out beautifully even without the blocking that is necessary for it to hang just the way I'd like.Here is the front view. As you can see it does need blocking. Here is a back view of the capelet.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Beautiful Capelet... love the shell stitching.
